sé pictures

sé (seh) from the Spanish verb
       a. i know
       b. to be

sé is an independent motion picture and design studio.

sé was founded in Chicago, Il in the early 2000’s under the monikor
‘middle mind project’. As ‘mmp’ the collective set out to produce experimental and innovative short form narratives and documentaries. 

sé, now based in Los Angeles, CA, continues this experimentation and innovation in design and storytelling with award winning projects.



Europe Music Video Awards 2024
LA Underground Film Forum 2024
Toronto Art Film Spirit Awards 2024
LA Indie Film Fest 2023
Brooklyn Film Festival 2020
San Francisco Film Festival 2020
IMPA 2019
San Francisco Indie Film Fest 2018
Blow up Art House Film Fest Chicago 2018
Film School Rejects